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Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. We designed Visual Studio to work well in various network and computer configurations. For all scenarios involving the local machine, we recommend that you use the Visual Studio Installerwhich is a small file that checks for updates on a regular basis and helps you stay current with all the latest fixes and features.

The information приведенная ссылка this page discusses how to create an offline installation привожу ссылку of files for installation on the local machine. If you are an enterprise IT administrator who wants to perform a deployment of Visual Studio to a network of client workstations, or if you need ему microsoft outlook 2016 application not found free очень create an installation package of files to transfer to or install onto another machine, refer to our Visual Studio Administrators Guide and the Create a network-based installation of Visual Studio documentation.

Sometimes online access is problematic. For example, you might have an unreliable internet connection or your internet connection may have low bandwidth. For situations like these, we've made other methods available for acquiring Visual Studio. You can use the Download all, then install feature from the Visual Studio Installer to download an installation package on the local machine before you install, or you can use the command line to create a local installation package to install later.

To download a local installation package, select the Download all, then install option in the dropdown at the bottom of the Workloads tab of the Visual Studio Installer. The purpose of this feature is to frontload cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free downloading of the Visual Studio packages onto the same computer that you plan on eventually microosft Visual Studio on.

By downloading the packages locally first, you can then safely disconnect from the internet before you install Visual Studio. The Download all, then install functionality downloads a Visual Studio installation package that is customized to the local machine. Vksual not try to transfer this downloaded installation package to another computer, as it's not designed to work that way.

Instead, if you want to download an professiojal package and transfer it to or install it on another machine, then you'll need to create a layout as described in the Create a network-based installation of Visual Studio documentation. You can also configure future updates of this instance of Visual Studio to respect the Download all, then install behavior.

For more information, refer to the Customize update settings documentation. Download the cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free for the edition of Visual Studio you want and copy it into the directory that you want to serve as the source location of your local layout. Once the insatll is created, you can use it to install Visual Studio. The bootstrapper is the executable that you use to create, /7722.txt, and perform other Visual Stusio installation operations.

You must have an internet connection to complete this. The bootstrappers listed below will always install the latest most secure version of Visual Studiocara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free 20110 when you run them. Alternatively, if you want to install a specific version of Visual Studiogo to the Visual Studio Releases page that has links studjo the fixed version bootstrappers for each servicing release, and download the one you want. Copy it into the directory that you want to serve as the location of your local layout.

The bootstrappers listed below will always install the latest most secure version of Visual Studio on the Current channel, no matter when you run them.

Alternatively, if you want to install a specific version or a specific channel of Visual Studiogo to the Visual Studio Release History page that has links to the evergreen and fixed version bootstrappers for freee servicing release on each channel, and download the one you want.

If you previously downloaded a specific bootstrapper file and want to verify what version it will install, here's how.

In Windows, open File Explorer, right-click the bootstrapper file, choose Propertieschoose the Details tab, and then view the Product version number.

To match that number to a release /49816.txt Visual Studio, refer to the table at the bottom of the Visual Studio Releases page. If you previously downloaded a bootstrapper file and want to verify what version it will install, here's how. In Windows, open File Explorer, right-click the bootstrapper file, choose Properties and then choose the Details tab.

The Product version field will describe the channel and version that the bootstrapper will install. The version number should always be read as "latest servicing version of what is specified", and the channel is Current unless explicitly specified. A bootstrapper with a Product version that simply says Visual Studio will profsssional the latest version of Visual Studio on the Current channel.

Open a command prompt with administrator privileges, navigate to the cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free where you downloaded the bootstrapper into, and use the bootstrapper's parameters as defined in the Use command-line parameters to install Visual Studio page fdee create your local layout.

Common examples using the Enterprise bootstrapper are illustrated below and in the command-line parameter examples page. You can install a language other than English by changing en-US to a locale from the list of language localesand you can use the list of components and workloads to further customize your local layout. To create a complete local layout, English only, with all features this will take a long time—we have lots of features!

A complete local layout of Visual Studio insatll a minimum of 41 GB of disk space. For more information, see System requirements. A complete local layout of Visual Studio requires a minimum of 45 GB cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free disk space.

When you install Visual Studio from a local layout, the Visual Studio installer uses the local versions of the files. But, if you select components during installation that aren't in the layout, then the Visual Studio vjsual will attempt to download them from the internet. To make sure that you install only the files that you've previously downloaded, use the same command-line options that you used to create the local layout.

To make sure your installer doesn't try to access the internet, cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free the --noweb switch. Microsovt you're using Visual Studio Community, you must activate it by logging into the product within 30 days of installation. Activation requires an internet connection. If you get an error that a signature is invalid, you must install updated certificates. Open the Certificates folder in your local layout.

Double-click each of the certificate files, and then click through the Certificate Manager wizard. If you're asked for a password, leave it blank. Sometimes, things can go wrong. If your Visual Studio installation fails, see Troubleshoot Visual Studio installation and upgrade issues for cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free guidance.

Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Important The Download all, then install functionality downloads a Visual Studio installation package that is customized to the local machine.

Edition Bootstrapper Visual Studio Professional version Tip If you previously downloaded a specific bootstrapper file and want to verify what version micrisoft will install, here's how. Tip If you previously downloaded a bootstrapper file and want to verify what version it will install, here's how.

Tip To prevent an error, make sure that your full installation path is less than 80 characters. NET web and. ManagedDesktop --add Microsoft. NetWeb --add Component. Cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free --includeOptional --lang en-US. NetWeb --includeOptional --lang en-US. VisualStudio --includeOptional. NetWeb --includeOptional. Important If you're using Visual Studio Community, you must activate it by logging into the product within 30 days of installation.

Note If you get an error that a signature is invalid, you must install updated cara install microsoft visual studio 2010 professional free. Submit and view feedback for This product This page.

View all page feedback. In this article.



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